Is this some form of mental illness?

No.11319798 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ask my mother about whether she used the same ingredients for the quiche because it tastes different.
She confirms.
After a while I ask her again if she used the exact same ingredients.
She says she didn't change anything.
Notice some white stuff in there; she actually used a different cheese and this spoils the taste.
She absolutely refuses to explain why didn't she answer me honestly; I wasn't accusing her, but I was puzzled by the different taste.
She tells me that I obsess over stupid details.
Often times she refuses to answer altogether.
She plays the victim while refusing to answer about the subject being discussed.
My father is the same, sometimes he is comically unreasonable when stressed out and confronted with evidence, it seems like I am speaking with a different person.
No way around being reasonable.
I come out of being socially retarded in my mid 20s.
What gives?