Climate change and reproduction ethics

No.10897508 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Climate change is going to start destroying the world already in a decade or less. By 2030 everyone can see that there's a 5% drop in life quality in general everywhere and that is gonna snowball. I can't bring my children into the world at this rate.
Who would want their children to live in a world where their childhood is literally plagued by the apocalypse? When they ask you exactly when the world will collapse every day at the breakfast table
>daddy how many years do we have till the world is destroyed? Where will we go?
>don't worry, maybe Russia, I'll buy some land there I guess
>daddy will I be able to become a data scientist before the world is destroyed? Can you be a data scientist in Russia?
>I don't know buddy I hope you can

Yeah I don't think it's ethical to bring kids into THIS WORLD.
Do you?