
No.2994173 ViewReplyOriginalReport
You don't have to suffer in samsara anymore. 800 years ago the bodhisattva Nichiren Daishonin revealed the easiest path to nirvana for laymen and monks of the Mappo age. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo assiduously every day is assured to open the path to enlightenment, because only the Lotus Sutra is the true voice of the Cosmic Buddha Shakyamuni and the law of the Mappo age. Devotion to the mystic law of the Lotus can bring anybody to nirvana no matter how corrupt and fallen they are. No initiations are necessary, no former religious education, even without knowing the Lotus Sutra, by chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo a being can be released from his negative karma and attain buddhahood.
On Attaining buddhahood in this lifetime:
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All schools are valid, but avoid Soka Gakkai because they are a heretical sect of globohomo agents.
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