Alright here I have the full version of Camp Buddy Scoutmaster Season for Windows download it you have to click on the download icon on the top right of your screen. It's 4.4 GB (5,49 GB extracted)
I'll see if I can upload a few more games that apparently can't be found anywhere else but in but before I do so I want to tell you all that: Bisexuals are not a real sexuality and are all extremely homophobic and creepy, they are just str8 trash looking for attention. Trannies are all creepy homophobic rapey pieces of shit angry nobody wants their gross bleeding front hole (sorry hon gay men like COCK, go back to the kitchen or something) and women are extremely gross and homophobic and think they get a pussypass even when harrassing gay men, Scoutmaster's would be a million times better without that Yuri character piece of shit, why do women not understand gay relationships are about gay men and not about them? They really can't grasp the fact women are not needed not even in sex, and much less in love. The world would be so much better if all women died and it was just hot gay men.
There, i said it. God bless you all (unless you're biscum, a tranny or a woman), God bless the Scoutmaster DLC, God bless America and God bless Gay Rights.