>>2932237>/y/ modNigga what, mods are global. There are some that favor or dislike certain boards (like Alternative who hates /pol/, Swaglord who shitposts on /s4s/ every week, Twimod who sometimes talks with people at /mlp/ about the state of the board, or ABIB who hates /v/ and /a/ for being a bunch of whinny faggots), but all of them have to check the whole site at least once a day. Janitors, the ones who lack the power to ban users, a capcode and a @ on IRC, are the ones who operate in specific boards and are hired every few months.
Chances are that the fag in your screenshot has been rejected for years because he mentioned the idea of deleting some kind of content (which can be translated as playing favorites) as to why he wanted to be a janitor. I once applied to be a janitor on /cm/ out of curiosity (and to get a free 4chan pass) stating that the board's problems were request threads, retards mistaking it for /soc/ and some pajeet bot making threads about shitcoins, and I immediately got an email asking me to sign a contract for the job and specify a date for my interview on Discord (at this point I stopped responding to them).