>>2913578/trash/ is the general waste bin board that tolerates furshit threads because no other board wants them. Raiding furry threads with gore isn't against /trash/ rules, something that wouldn't happen in a real furry board.
>>2913710>it's actually gotten faster over the past two years, not slower.Incorrect. /y/ lost around 100 posts per day between 2018 and today. /hm/ experienced a similar decline in the same period of time, while /cm/ has managed to keep the same numbers, except during a brief period after the new EVA was released and EVAfags took over the board, making it reach between 500 and 2000 posts per day.
>>2913727>/y/ is living on borrowed time.Also incorrect. Slow boards don't represent a hassle in terms of resources, and dozens of them can be put in a single server. It's fast boards like /v/ and /pol/ what require dedicated servers due to their huge activity (I'm talking about 100000+ posts per day).
>>2913737>Now a thread hits page 6 after 3 days.That's because there's an autist bumping threads and creating new ones in order to slide threads he doesn't like from the catalog. Is a known tactic commonly used in barely moderated boards because it takes a while to become noticeable.
>>2913728>>2913793>discordThere's your problem. Discord is nothing but a hive of underage vermin who post epic memes and unhinged trannies who circlejerk 24/7. Nothing good has ever come out from that place.