>>2845960>>2845959>>2845909You know I think you're right, I've distanced myself from my white cis straight and gay friends and started hanging out with more multicultural black, oriental, and hispanic gay and lesbian people, trans men and women, nonbinary, pansexual demisexual questioning, non-identifying persons.
I'm a white cis gay male but ever since I met this guy at a bar, he awakened me to a lot of facts that I just wasn't aware of, like that George Washington was actually an Arabic transgendered man, who just wore a lot of makeup, but history who wrote down our history white washed him and denied his past and his race and just said he was a white cis heterosexual man.
I learned much during those 5 hours listening this non-binary individual explain to me the real history of the world. We were in a bar not a library so we couldn't fact check any of this, but this person was nice and seemed trustworthy so I think they're a reliable resource.
My old mates wouldn't listen to anything I had to say after I was revealed how wrong most of history is, so I deleted them all from facebook and started only hanging out at bars and coffee shops in college towns, everywhere else everyone is just plain ignorant about our real history. I can't express how sorry we white cis gay and straight men have been promoting these lies all these years, we just had no idea.