>>2806283Not to be disrespectful, man, but you have to be a real professional retard to answer that to that anon. Let me tell you why.
You can’t make a thread on /b/ that can last more than a few hours, so that makes it imposible to keep track of yaoi/shota threads for weeks like in /y/ (much lees if you make a thread for every different game or show). If /y/ does not want cute boy/teen/femboy post, then 4chan should make another separate board for them.
Every single thread I see on /y/ has the same problem. It’s tiresome to read the same fight over and over. I am aware of /y/ rules, but this was the same reason why the mods created a separate board for people like /pol/ to keep them away from the other news boards. They were toxic as hell, but everyone deserves a place to post and talk about their shit (That was the point for creating 4chan). It also wouldn’t be illegal since they already post that stuff on /b/ and there is also mods and ways to ban people if they ever get a separate board for shota and try to cross that thin line between 2d and 3d.
I’m not sure if there is a “suggestion box” to ask mods for this, but it would be nice since it would give them a place to post and give /y/ people finally some (to some degree at least) peace.