>>2795595Shotacon comes from Shorteye Complex. Shorteyes being prison slang for pedophiles. Named after a fictional characters like all Psychological Complexes. See: Oedipus Complex, Electra Complex.
It's it not the gender equivalent to lolicon that you think it is, which is named after the Character in a book, Lolita. It's called Lolia-con and not Humbert-con, Because Lolita is a corrupt-child taking advantage of the adult, Humbert.
With Shorteyes, it's the adult taking advantage of the child.
But make no mistake. While the complex makes no distinction of the predator's gender and sextual orientation; the genres of the same name do. "Straight-Shota" also referred on 4chan as /ss/ is an adult woman, usually a babysitter, teacher, or mother, preying on a boy.
Genres and Complexes are not the same thing despite having the same name.
You could make the argument that media is labeled "shotacon" in the sense that it appeals to those with the complex. In some countries, the reader is considered part of the performance. Which is why sites like
Fanfiction.net, enabling China's Orwellian thought-control government, has banned the use of 2nd Person P.O.V. because it would be "technically true" for a child to read something and be engaged in a sexual situation without the proper, as they say, "psychic distance".
But this argument falls apart when you consider the world of difference between literature and "you". And the only thing people should be worried about is someone's inability to distinguish fantasy from reality.
Prior to 1960 autism was used to refer to children who were living in a fantasy world, but after, it completely flipped and began to refer children and adult with no imagination or aptitude for symbolic spiritual life. Either way, their skills of discernment have a deficit, but the latter, it stunts their communication skills because when they read a word, they impose their own meaning instead of comprehending someone else's.