>>2774132>Who is your favorite BL Mangaka?I want to take this opportunity to plug a BL mangaka I feel doesn't get enough credit here, namely Kyouyama Atsuki.
She's the author of 3 Ban Sen no Campanella, which makes it strange that there isn't more discussion of her work since it's generally well regarded in these threads (it's even in the rec chart).
Like Haruko Kumota (
>>2774173), Atsuki's art is minimal, but elegant and refined, and most importantly, her line work is motivated.
There's a sense of purposefulness and control in her strokes, not some chicken-scratch desperately tying to find the form. It's inspiring how much she's able to convey with such simple gestures while reducing the elements down to their most fundamental components.
It's a demonstration of confidence and skill you seldom see in BL.
Also like Kumota, Atsuki mostly produces work in the slice of life genre, but unlike Kumota, she very much lingers on the melancholia of everyday life. Whether it be the loss of a lover, work and familial troubles or simply the mundane repetition of day-to-day existence, her characters are chronically discontent with there lot in life, yet despite this endeavor to still seek pleasure and joy in the little things.
Where Atsuki further distinguishes herself is in the sex scenes.
Again like Kumota, there's a playfulness there, but there is also clearly an added element of sensuality despite the minimalism and effort is clearly made to emphasize facial expressions and mood.
In other words, prominence is given to characterization, not eroticism, another welcome rarity for a BL.
Admittedly Atsuki's work isn't genre-defying, but accomplishes what it sets out to do remarkably well, and it would be a pity if this artist continues to remain obscure here.
>What do you consider to be their best work?Probably 3 Ban Sen no Campanella
>Hardmode: Recommend at least three of their worksHeavenly Homesick (pic)
Mienai Hoshi and it's sequels
Asatte no Jijou