They never finish anything. I when I started reading Class Comics they had a ton of artists and now they're just down to like 3. And only 1 of them is good.
Brother to Dragons, Concluded never (I think the artist or writer died)
Lost Kingdom, Concluded never (Or switch to foreign publisher that has no visibility outside of where ever)
They got Jox, by a 3rd rate y-gallery artist that thinks he's above critique now that he's published. They just released Vol 1. a full 88 pages. How? The individual issues were like 20 pages. But it's more like 8-10 pages and a bunch of filler pages of a single illustration removing clothing, Cum, no-cum versions. So after 4-5 years Cray has managed to publish maybe a proper 60 page comic and handful glamour pinnups.
This is acceptable to ClassComics. They want an emphasis on "sex appeal" instead of story. When they say "Gay themes" it's just code for visuals and should be held in context of a sequential narrative. 'Cause everyone knows comics are just picture books. /sarcasm
Their submission guideline hasn't been updated since 2012. Most of their links are dead. Their inbox is probably full of spam because nobody is minding the shop, if you know what I mean.