>>2694184"Gumroad technically doesn't allow nsfw so artists risk being removed at any moment, while patreon explicitly does allow it."
Since when? But anyway my main point was that there are other OPTIONS SIMILAR to Gumroad out on the web if they'd just bother looking..also Patreon is pretty much not allowing nsfw content anymore either what with the amount of restrictions they've added last year so might as well prepare to jump ship now.
"but there are plenty of artists who aren't on patreon who are doing fine.."
No it's not "partial imagined", alot of patrons agree with the sentiment plus you can also just do simple visual comparisons for definitive proof & lol you don't even realize what you just pointed out here : yes no shit that non-patreon artists still retain good art..bc they're not with the site yet DUH! It's until they finally join is when the tragedy strikes-the point I was making.
"and there are also plenty of straight artists who are struggling in the same ways as gay artists. Look at the arguments over Sakimi for example, her yaoi was never good but her straight work is definitely demonstrating decline as she is overworked."
Okay 1st off my bad there, should of rephrased b4hand. What I should of said was that straight art doesn't go thru this stump majority of the time & even when it does happen theres still PLENTY of other outlets for heteros to get their quality lewds since their community dwarf ours.
2ndly Sakimi is just 1 person & doesn't represent the whole side, I see what you're trying to do by bringing her up but she's just one small piece of that community & believe it or not but there are more successful hentai artists better than her who're still doing fine often times enough.