Black pill

No.2604034 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>Studying to be a doctor
>Work when I don't study
>Study when I don't work
>Sitting in class with my friend
>We are talking about one of our classmates who is a typical gamer girl
>Friend lets me know that she has a twitch
>She wears tight clothing while playing videogames
>Incels flock to her stream and spam "thicc" any time she does anything
>They shower her with money
>Even scammers give their profits to their glorious gamer girl goddess
>She's not even good looking
>Typical Asian/Hispanic mutt 6/10 at best

How is this fair /pol/? Why do I even try anymore? I work hard at an office job I don't particularly like every day while some girl is just born with a decent face, puts on some tight clothing, and then gets showered with cash for playing videogames. She makes in a day what I make in a week at my job. This is not fair. What do /pol/?