>>2558866>>2558866Again, Art is a luxury. Most Artists cannot survive on commissions alone, because some months you get unlucky and you don't get enough commissions to pay the bills, patreon turns that number into a plan-able static, The reason so many people produce art on patreon is because, they as artist, find it more reliable.
I didn't say anything about not giving criticism about art your paying for, I'm literally saying, if you can't afford art. Dont buy it. Not liking someones personal style doesn't mean their art is flawed, it means you don't like the style.
If you want personalised art, commission it. even people on patreon still do commsions. otherwise leave the people on patreon alone. They don't want to hear your opinion and neither do their subs.
It's your opinion that artsts moving to patreon will burn them out and make them stop creating, and it's mine to say that it won't. At the end of the day, its the artists who know themselves best on what they can work towards. maybe people constantly saying "you're gonna get burned out" to them is gonna burn them out more?
My point is, the artists know what their doing,They aren't completely oblivious to the risks of patreon, but they ultimately know whats best for them. To them that's patreon.
If you say patreon stagnates a style and makes them bland, someone else says that since being on patreon their art has improved, because art is subjective, and opinions about style aren't definitive facts. most artists know the basics and can make a cohesive piece, after what, it's just an own artists personal style. If an artist is comfortable with their level of art, and other people are pleased with that level. Theres nothing wrong with not constantly improving and evolving on art. Some pieces aren't as good as others, what you see as a gradual decrease in quality might just be an artist shifting to a style you don't agree with, which is your opinion.