Pic related, Inmomakuro.
Was a huge fan of his ever since I first saw his first artworks on tumblr (
inmomakuro.tumblr.com) in like 2012, and he was my favorite artists for a long time. I was one of his first patrons when he first opened his Patreon. Definitely still one of the very very few bara artists that made flash animations/games of his bara artwork
But then in May of last year he just up and left without any updates on Patreon, Tumblr, Pixiv, and DeviantArt without a trace after May 2017. He was preparing to send out the monthly Patreon art pack but then never delivered (still really salty because the artpack looked fucking amazing but he never released it). Sometimes I wonder if he passed away lmao.
I check back on his tumblr to see if he posted since, but alas. I hope he's doing okay but also that he can return since he's talented as fuck.
Here's his tumblr, pixiv, and patreon:
inmomakuro.tumblr.compixiv.net/member.php?id=1297596This was in his last post:
>I have a bad news... it's impossible for me to provide the May 2017 artpack on time, because I have to go on trip again very soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. But until now, none of the artpack works is really finished. All the flash games are half way done and some of the image sequences are not very finished. I feel so bad now... maybe Patreon is not quite for me, should I leave? I can't make and break promises like this again and again, it's not good.>It's okay if you get mad and leave....>I think I will release this artpack one or two or three months later, and this might be my last patreon artpack. I'll try to add some more works into it, make it very big and worth it.>Thank you very much!! I am now using the paid per post option. But last time I kept people waiting for my artpack for half a year! That's ridiculous. I can't do it again and again without pissing patrons off. I need to stop this for my reputation. I don't want people who love me now hate me for my inconstancy.