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Patron update
"Game Development Updates
Lastly, we wanted to end this update with some really great news! Our programmer, Jey, has been working hard and has managed to fully code Hiro’s route! It is now playable and ready for beta testing! To give you guys an idea of how large Hiro’s route is, it consists of 20 in-game- playable days, 4 separate endings, and over 50,000 lines of code! We’re sure that everyone will enjoy playing it!
Jey has just recently begun coding Yoichi’s route as well, and thanks to some scenes being copy-pastable, expects to finish Yoichi’s route at a much faster pace!
In addition to coding progress, I’m sure that the biggest question on all of your minds is where the story is at! We’re happy to let you know Arc 1 Days 7 & 8 have both been remastered and re-programmed, so they will feel different to all of you from the Second Demo! We’ve also got some great news – our new Editor and Writer for the BLits Team, Wade, has been working on storyboarding for Natsumi’s route, so we’re making great progress on that as well! Needless to say, we’re really optimistic about the game’s progress, and are excited to keep giving you guys news as we continue development!
Finally, we wanted to let you guys know that our development team has decided to hold the release of the Opening Video for now, to allow a bit more time for polishing and to finalize any changes with it. We hope you all understand and can be patient, as we want to make sure we release the video at its highest quality possible!
Thank you all again for all of your love and support, and we really appreciate all of your patience and excitement for the game!
We’ll be back soon with more updates! Lots of love,
-BLits Team"