>Calling someone a nigger isnt edgy its racist.....I actually never called anyone a nigger but regardless, even though what I said was racist, you're acting like it wasn't in response to the couple of things you and/or whoever else is with you (unless you're just samefagging) have originally said yourself/yourselves. Here's a basic tip for you: if you don't like shit being flung back at you then don't scoop it up off the ground and be the first one to throw it at other people out of nowhere who would've gotten along fine with you had you not decided to be an utter cunt to them.
>Stop whining over dumb shitI'll stop "whining" when you and everyone else do first. This "dumb shit" is ruining this goddamn board which you seem to be obliviously new to and have made next to no effort to lurk on before posting.
>Yt folk have been complaining about black folk for hundreds of yearsTumblr, Buzzfeed, WaPo, NeoGaf, black Twitter and just about every mainstream media outlet save for Fox News complains about whites every day and brainwashes millions of gullible people to think the exact same way that they do, too. What's your point?
>Universe forbid we want a black dick threadNo one said you couldn't have one, nor is there any rule here forbidding you from making one, otherwise this thread would be gone by now. And if "we" is supposed to mean you, you seem to have forgotten that YOU were the one(s) who derailed this thread by making the decision to piss off the overwhelming majority of the people on this board by bringing your bullshit here and being shocked that almost no one agrees with your ideology ON 4CHAN. Congratulations, you're so stupid that you somehow managed to self-sabotage the very thing you wanted because you acted entitled and selfish about it due to it just not being good enough for you.