>>2471021I do agree we have enought of Keitaro, but i still dont agree these are the best pairing mikkoukun could have made.
People have been asking for Aiden to top one of the 5 main and still nothing.
We still have yet to see Seto or Felix fucking, be it togheter or whit someone else.
And then there are people who want Bara.
The Fanbase is pretty devided, plus there are characters that just go whit each other, Like Hunter x Felix or Aiden x Hiro.
The only pairing im interested in is the Seto x Felix one.
Eduard x Lee ? no one cares about Lee
Goro x Aiden ? There seems to be more people who hate Gore then the ones who like him.
Yochi x Natsumi ? Actually a interesting pairing.
And then we have the Bachikkoi characters, why not Ichiru x Masaru ? Hell why not put them whit the campers ?