...There really aren't that many non-VN adult yaoi games, it makes me kinda sick. And right after VNs come RPG Maker games, but I definitely prefer those since you actually get to PLAY instead of just read and click. Yeah sure, there can actually be good VNs but it's just so boring how 90% of adult yaoi is VNs.
The non-VN ones I have or know about currently being in development are shoved somewhere up the asshole of the internet and I can't even recall how I learned about most of them. I need a fucking vault to never lose them again with how rare they can be. AND most of them are furry. So...yeah, best of luck with your search.
Your best option might be MUGEN. And someone already mentioned Sugar Shooter. The newly released Strange Flesh, too. That's...pretty much it that I'm aware of at this moment? The rest of the good unique stuff I have is furry or occasionally shota.