>>2433979So now if game was delay fault when to only dev then?
Voice acting slow than original plan
Result in dev slow because dev need to wait before voice acting finish first.
Fault fall to dev because the are in the lowest part of this pyramid.
Good logic for dumb short-sigh people
Dumb has nothing to with you are M,FM,GLBT,fujoshis, Faggot
Not all fujoshis dumb but i can say at least you are really dumb.
Also with your locgic maz can said something like
"i already finish all CG even if game delay it all because those slowpoke dev not do there coding or voice acting are slow"
"bug in game is't my responsibility, i already done my work which is CG"
"Go blame dev"
Should i go blame dev?
Maz is game project leader.
He is not some hire CG artist.
Unless he hire someone to manage and act as project leader instead.
Which unlikly happen.
And for anyone who can't cum without voices.
Don't expect to much for 'Partial Voice Acting' in this game.
This wasn't drama CD from japan which made by professional okay?
It was his first time and i don't think with his personality he will spend much fund here
(he likely spend those fund to paid for chill, vacation, house and car which he just bought)
(maybe for his 2nd Hair Growth project which first one look like it failed too)
It hurt went you fall when you get hope too high.