Celebrate with Orochimaru and Ghirahim

No.2405056 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Im putting the porn theme first. To read what we are celebrating scroll down.

First off Orochimaru and Ghirahim are my personal favorites. I think it's part the demon/master stuff and part the whole sleek/snake/demon/tongue thing that is so fucking sexy. I like Orochimaru best as the dominant and Ghirahim as a bottom/slave but it really doesnt matter if its with Link
Bonus prize for Orochimaru topping Ghirahim
The prize is a warm feeling in your heart and or genitals, depending on where I get the warm feeling.

So for those of you whom don't know and are interested for some reason, I've been life-threateningly ill my whole life getting gradually worse. The last few years I have been hooked up to a machine that has been performing a necessary function of life for me, not saying which one on the off chance someone I know reads this. Then suddenly in the last couple months, my body slowly starting performing that finction again and now I AM OFF THE FUCKING MACHINE! , not a literal fucking machine, that may have been cooler. I'm obviously still sick, but I no longer feel on deaths door. Anyhow, even though the doctor told me I needed to masturbate or I would lose the ability to have sex, I didn't give a fuck as I was dying and have not done so in years, I'm mid twenties... So now I ask you_
the generous people of 4chan to help me celebrate by kickstarting my sex drive.
Cue the porn!