>>2386237S1 was rough in a lot of cuts because they drew the definition lines too harsh and angular and the magazine spreads for S1 were godawful, but even it had its moments where they looked alright. S2 was better overall (and shaved down those pesky knifechins) but then they did Hibikek and limbotits and all that other shit and they forgot how to draw muscular bodies again. This was worsened when they did the High Speed movie, which led to them forgetting how to draw everyone as men in their late teens, which is why the Fresh Fruit Birthday art is fucking garbage and they all look like they're in junior high. There was some recent promo art for merch that was S1 magazine spread-tier bad that has me a bit on edge for the future of the series in terms of art. The shading on the muscles was all kinds of fucked up.
I'm hoping that Timeless Medley and TYM will whip them back into shape. I'd like to buy at least ONE run of birthday merch. Haru's art was promising, if nothing else.