>>2382741I remember an anon posted something along these lines
Nobody in govt. cares about some wacko drawing smut of their favorite video game characters. They care about people producing and giving funds to actual kiddy porno producers and going after idiots who still think Yahoo Chat is a good way to find 12 year olds to fugg.
Despite laws that have come and been struck down and come again, it's still way too much of a gray area for an attorney to really want to bother going after a guy who maybe drew a lewd picture of an undetermined age Link blowing a fish-dude. Imagine spending hundreds of thousands in resources to prosecute this guy, who got a good lawyer, and won his case. You will now have to answer for why you blew all that money when you had 19 Step-dads who raped their kids still waiting on their trial date, and 3 people who were uploading pics of their cousins to the deep web you still need to investigate.
You will only have this shit come up if the FBI comes after you for real child porn, and wants to slap more shit onto your casefile. Or if the FBI is trying to get you to testify against someone else and is threatening you.
You are 2000 times more likely to deal with virtuous trolls following every other project you work on and trolling it (Imagine Shmorky), or to literally have nothing happen.
If you're worried, age him up a bit and have his Hyrule ID showing or something. it's a vidya gayme character, my dude.