>>2373772Sorry for confusing you with the other anon, honest mistake.
Look, I agree that people have unusually thin skin lately, but that's not an excuse to just be a dick to them because you think they need to learn to suck it up. I'm not sure if you've ever written or drawn anything, but as someone who is actively trying to improve both skills, I can safely say that criticism is the backbone of improvement. If I post art and someone tells me it sucks, then I'm not going to be inclined to draw again for a while. Have you ever been so proud of a skill you thought you were great at, only to find out that no one else thinks so, or even believes in your ability to improve? It hurts, man, whether you're a special tumblr snowflake or not. On the other hand, if someone tells you what it is that you've done wrong, then you know what to pay attention to next time. People complain that we've got nothing but bad artists left in the drawthreads, but they forget that even the best of us started out with crayola tier weeb drawings.
And yes, I know that this is 4chan, and you should expect to meet with a lot of trash here, but this is a fucking /yaoi/ board, not /b/. I think we can act with a little more civility, considering how slow this entire board moves.