>>2345595As someone who's proudly converted many, including a self-proclaimed 'supervirgin' who wasn't even cool with the idea of a penis until I got her into it, here's some stuff:
I agree with
>>2345601 . And especially
>>2345593 .
Take it steady if you want payoff. Never ever ever start directly with porn, especially with girls. They will balk, they will avoid those conversations and they'll be 75% to break back into. Even a more sexually open girl needs to have some kind of ok in her head before you shove the nasty in her face.
Be intimate with the kinds of characters the girl's into. There will eventually be one of her Types who's storyline puts them in an emotional position a lot closer to a male than any female in the series. Use it dude.
You should also be prepared to be their porn guide once they're open to the idea. Ask about what they're comfortable with viewing, find that kinda shit, and show 'em what they've asked for. Then segue into more hardcore stuff using those elements. "I know you said you weren't into bondage but you really like blowjob pics and I think this one'd be right up your alley" kinda deal.