Guilt Pleasure Works Dump

No.2324178 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hey, /y/. I know how hard it is to come by Guilt Pleasure's works, as the author is a commie when it comes to her shekels. And understandably so; they're amazingly well drawn/written works.
But for those of guys who are penny-less yaoi lovers like myself, I've decided to dump all the content by Guilt Pleasure I have.

This includes:

In These Words chapters 1-13
First do no Harm
New York Minute
Father Figure
and a shit ton more.

http://8 chDOTnet/y/res/1724. html

I know this website censors full-chan, but I'll break up the link.

Please enjoy!
[spoiler:lit]and come keep us company on 8/y/[/spoiler:lit]
[spoiler:lit]it gets so lonely there[/spoiler:lit]