>>2305381>>2305486Urbance is this really cool project that was popular on kickstarter in 2014. Like REALLY cool, just look at this art:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrLdXY_lsy8It's set in a time where hetero sex is forbidden and dangerous. The two main characters find a way to be together despite the whole gender wars going on. Simple enough plot, right? Ah but no, there is a problem here says tumblr.
Majority of the characters are LGBTQ+. And they don't just say it, they make it obvious by showing kiss scenes and saying so too (like the main character Kendall clearly states he is asexual). That's great, tumblr would love that! There are different genders in this show besides female and male like non binary, genderqueer, etc! That's great, tumblr loves that! There is a primarily non-white cast! Not just blacks, but also asians, hispanics, and others! Holy shit tumblr's gonna fucking love that! Now let me tell you why all that is p r o b l e m a t i c.
This is "homophobic" because if you prioritize a hetero couple, you're saying LGBT people are bad!! Despite Lesya being bisexual!
This is "transphobic" because even though there are androgynous non villains, let's forget about that and focus on the androgynous villains so we have something to complain about! Also you forgot 10 other made up sexualities and genders so we'll complain about that too!
So basically, even though they were still open to feedback and criticism on their kickstarter page, answered questions, and even fucking changed some of their story and plotlines just so they can please these fucking snowflakes, tumblrinas STILL found stuff to wet their baby diapers about IN THE FUNDING PHASE. I can see if they had the pilot out already, but they barely had animations together at that time.
Luckily Urbance did get funded but they even said themselves that dumblr will just bring you down. I won't discourage you from making a blog, but I'd suggest not looking for feedback in that cess pool.