>>2214789As probably you can even tell, as I've said before: I'm not OP, I rarely come here.
>then make it successful. if people won't respond with more than one sentence on that thread, what makes you think making another would solve anything?I think OP has allready tried that, it didn't work very well. It's not my fault, your board is broken.
>for most people, shitty cartoon porn doesn't justify typing a whole lot.Well, there is your problem.
>nope, the average age is probably in the low twenties, although admittedly i don't have any evidence to base that on other than observation.Correction, with the behaviour of 14 year old girls. You're so childish. Trying to act all mature and "hurr durr, it's not important, it's just cartoons" When spending time on /y/. You're self-hating and ashamed of yourself for the completely wrong reasons.
>OP sounds genuinely autisticCalling everything autistic is a relative new meme, it is just that, a meme. Some of the most famous screencapped threads we have are written in a similar fashion to this. You're a newfag. This is cancer and it has completely ruined what /y/ once were, that is the reason I almost never browse it.
>I accuse you of being OP, now everything you said is totally invalid, I won this one! Now I'm going to run away.kek, reply all you want, speaking last doesn't make you right. But I had to call you out on this bullshit.