>>2203406at the moment I am letting people brainstorm and build freely so long as it's semi-space-oprea like. Create characters, factions, short sexy stories, and so forth about the men of Virilis.
Begin entry #001
Entry by high historian Komanos V7.
Where to begin... well I suppose at the beginning. Like most places out here on the galactic fringe the people of Virilis were driven out of the central planets for one reason or another. Our ancestors were men of war, warriors and engineers with no purpose in the face of treaty that established The Republic.
Many of my brothers have forgotten that our race has it's origin on another world. This is no cruelty, but simply the march of time and isolation.
For example the servant whose lush lips now wrap around my shining sleek shaft knows little of distant Urth, except that it exists as the origin of all human offshoots.
Our ancestors tamed this planet with fire and sword, with machine and science. We engineered our bodies to be perfect, our minds to be strong. But how does one define perfection?
Our ancestors held to the masculine idea of honor culture, and so manhood became perfection. Honor a staple to tie us together.
This combined with the cloning tanks allowed each generation to become more towards it's parent's ideal.
We triumphed, splitting into nations and factions.
So I had best move on to our anatomy before I explain anything cultural. Our entire subspecies is masculine, with a bit of femininity woven in to roughen out the edges. While this might seem at first a pointless aberration a male requires X and Y chromosomes.
Thus the Virili Chromosome sequence is YXY, allowing both fathers to contribute their chromosomes to the child during DNA remixing. This also had the side effect of a two types of libido. It is said other human sub-species are born with an inclination towards gay or straight. Virili are born with a inclination with a Tri-sexual libido.