-Oh my GOD! MORTY!, th-the hread where we are isn't bumping! y-y'know what it means morty??
-uuh, w-we wont be able to do each other?
-jeez no morty, you know th-there are so much timeleines and so much living versions of eeeearghchother, right morty? well, listen, if this thread when we are, w-w-w-with the Rick and morty who are actually a couple-
-Well I-I-I actually found it a little gro-
-DONT INTERRUPT ME MORTY, listen, this dimension works REaaaargly like our own, alright morty? you-you get it?
well, if this thread don't goes bumping or do not create a new one, thiiiiirgs timeline will collapse, and you know what will happens next morty? you know what?
-It disappears?
-jeez morty THINK a momment Morty, this dimension is like our own, where we belong, what it means its interconnected wih our own, Morty, and if we don't restart another thread this entire DEEEERGHmension will crash, and our dimention will-will-will BREAK THE REALITY, first doing okay what are not, like the things happening here Morty, you know, THESE things, an obviously, our timelapse will crash in it's momment too, y-y-ou know now how important is this wolrd, MORTY?
-w-well, I GOT IT!, I got it, let this gross thread keeping up. So... how do-...?
-You gotta lick my balls Morty.
(nah just kidding, can we name the new thresd "wiggity-wiggity-wrecked son!" or some other quote like that