BL game thread.

No.2196268 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /y/. Since this seems like the best place to put it, I figured I might as well try to make a BL game thread here. What are you playing, what patches are you looking forward to, what are your favourites, etc etc. I'm currently playing "No, thank you!!!" (Finished Hiroyuki's route,he's pictured in the OP, and I'm now in Kouichi's route) and afterwards I'm thinking of trying out "Shingakkou -Noli me tangere-." It got recommended to me, and even though there's no patch yet it's apparently understandable enough with a Visual novel reader. (The artstyle seems weirdly charming. Also, might as well put a twincest route on the list of reasons why I'm going to hell.)