OP here,
Sorry guys, but after the atrocious behavior I witnessed, my mind has been made up. I`m leaving and not coming back. /Y/ is not what it once was. It always had drama but not like this. 5 years ago people had the sense not to spit in the face of artists and mindlessly troll threads just for the sake of starting shit. I mean it happened, but not in EVERY fucking thread.
A lot of other seasoned artists agree that this place is a cesspool of bullshit now and not worth spending time on. I don't know if its /B/, tumblr sjws, or bratty ass 13 year olds making this hideous transformation, but its insane. This is a fucking yaoi image board, not a place to debate the ethics of rape, or political correctness and certainly not to demean artists who are CREATING FREE PORN. This is sad. Y'all have chased away a lot of people and drawfags with your idiocy and its only going to get worse if you don't wake the fuck up.
Perhaps one day the old drawfags will return and once again the threads will thrive with fresh fap material instead of utter frustration and constant disappointment. But for this to happen, you guys need to stop acting like retards. Please. Make this a bearable place to be again.