>>2183303>>2183304I was talking about his eye's on /co/ when the first of Jamie's new 'Rillaz pictures got released on his Instagram.
The 'cannon', and I use that term loosely, reasoning is most certainly when he gets scared/stressed/overly tired his eyes 'appear' white. It makes little to no sense but not much does in the Gorillaz universe.
I think the artistic reasoning behind them being white is both Jamie's preference and to make things fit more colour wise. The entirety of the Plastic Beach phase was full of light colours. Mostly whites and pinks. Murdoc was almost constantly wearing a white turtle neck instead of the usual black/grey. Noodle was wearing white. 2D always had light colours on as did Russel. As silly as it sounds the white eyes just fit the theme a whole lot more, having solid black dents would have been fine but the white eyes gave a lot more expression and in my opinion where a good choice. Especially with the water colouring that Jamie did a lot of in that phase.
Another thing to note is if you look on the Demon Days Album Cover he essentially has normal eyes. I think it's meant to be a white shine but it just looks like he has normal-black-pupil eyes.
Now I'll shut up with my artsy bullshit.
>>2183295My friend had a similar theory, that they might be time travelling in this phase.
My theory was we're all reading too deep into things an in reality these Instagram photo's are just photo shoots at a set in London or something. As cool as time travelling would be I find my conclusion highly amusing for some reason.