>>14425623I think you should consider reordering your value-structures (think rearranging your perception of what is and isn't valuable in life) if flunking math three times is having that large of an effect on you. It's essentially what I did to settle the cognitive dissonance but I can't say that that's a good method given that I might have simply justified not going anywhere over the past 8 years. I don't want to describe life as shit or bad, but I'll say that I haven't done my person justice: no work, no degree (yet), no novel irl relationships since hs. I'd describe myself as a generally incompetent person (by normalfag standards) despite my intelligence (the entire value behind intelligence is that it increases one's competence). I think you end up unhappy if you're in this situation unless you find a way to cope. My 120 IQ friends are all more competent and far more successful than I am, at least by normalfag standards. But you see, I basically dropped their competence and success into an irrelevant set by describing their values as "normalfag" ie devaluing it.
ADHD fucks with the execution step. It's not a lack of motivation or a lack of direction/goals, but a matter of struggling to execute the necessary steps towards achieving those goals. Ig at best you can invest resources into easing the execution step by getting your sleep and diet in order, exercising, avoiding games/porn/socmedia, etc. I've noticed a nearly perfect correlation between my gpa, the amount of lean muscle mass, the number of books I read, my swb vs (arbitrarily) quantified level of stimulation and daily hygiene. So the best advice would be to prioritize the basics and to reconsider the value behind "doing well in hs mathematics."