Consensus on Fever?

No.14385162 ViewReplyOriginalReport
In recent years, I have noticed that when I get sick, I get immediately high fever, like 40-42° C (104 - 107 F), this lasts typically one night only. After that a day or two of feeling shitty and its over.

Yesterday I managed to get the "hi" on the thermometer, which means, higher than possible to measure, probably above 42°C. I paniced a bit took an aspirin, which did nothing. Took half a paracetamol in addition and that slightly lowered it.

I measure below my arm and always try different thermometers, and It's always about 40.

Is this normal? Why is my immune system going full monke over some sniffles?

What is current consensus on the fever question?

Dr. John Campbell and many others suggest that fever is necessary for the functioning of the immune system and you should almost never treat it.

Others suggest that anything above 39° kills the brain and organs.

Some suggest that high fever is good, because it kills the infection quickly. If you take antipyretics it prolongs the illness. Seems to pan out, because I never get sick for more than a day or two.