No.14383821 ViewReplyOriginalReport
science is famous and popular because in the past science has managed to accomplish things previously thought impossible, things like flying and long distance instantaneous communications, which are not commonplace and no longer a mystery. so i tried thinking up some relatively realistic goals for science that seem like they could be accomplished in the near term and i think i did ok, but it kind of a short list and i'd like to ask for some more input if anyone has any
>walking on water
popular trick and useful, seems like something with surface tension and magnets could be whipped up to make walking on water feasible.
>curing penis envy
this one is easy, just wear hats that say "hahaha, i have a penis and you don't" and then mercilessly mock the pennilessness of everyone who chimps at the hats
>a plain english translation of how magnets work
the magnet meme is an opportunity, everyone knows how they work, its just a matter of figuring out how to explain it to juggloes. its not so much of a scientific score as it is a public relations victory, but its a prestigious accomplishment which will require a high iq to pull off
theres also a million things you can do with selective breeding, just take time and determination and a realistic goal. every desirable plant that only grows in the tropics can ultimately be trained to grow in a much wider range of climates.