Redpill me on RO w/ remineralization systems. I currently get my water from a local artesian well. My friend is a water snob based off taste and it's literally the only water he will drink so I think it's good. But I am sick of hauling water and I am concerned about my plastic containers.
A little googlefu says it's a bad idea, because you will deplete your magnesium and other minerals. BUT the only source for this is literally the (((WHO))). Wouldn't a simple Mg supp be enough? Like 250mg a day? Invest in a home BMP w/ mag kit to monitor or waste of money?
A little googlefu says it's a bad idea, because you will deplete your magnesium and other minerals. BUT the only source for this is literally the (((WHO))). Wouldn't a simple Mg supp be enough? Like 250mg a day? Invest in a home BMP w/ mag kit to monitor or waste of money?