>>14378698Monetization systems are go to collapse so everyone will be equal, energy will be free, science will merge with spirit and the occult sciences as people grow less an less scared and ashamed an actually grow a pair of balls an we will finally understand things like dimensions, time travel, space travel, teleportation, levitation, we'll no longer be dependant on fossil fuels because the military black budget projects that work with aliens on other planets will be released gradually, people will learn how to heal themselves so we won't need big pharma, when the monetary systems cease to exist people won't be stressed over money anymore an that will give us back our natural ability to be telepathic so we won't need much technology like cell phones etc people will be able to switch bodies, there'll be no fear no crime, all drugs will be legal and there will be clean places to use them, no money so no one will be hungry no one will have an ego because the vibration of the planet will be so high but we have a long way to go, people will know how to build portals and how to access inner earth, everyone will know how to talk to there dead relatives, children will be taught how to do energy work, heal people, read auras, align chakras, meditate an use crystals at school an there will be no religion...