I had an idea about this revelation about fungus. It sounds more like lovecraftian science fiction idea but I'd appreciate if you guys can give me feedback.
>Fungus can communicate aka fungus can process, store, and receive data.
Data storing is done these days using electronic circuits stamped on wafers of material. It's fast, accessible, and easily edited. What if this route totally fails for some cataclysmic reason? What backups do we have? We have transcribed data on paper, stone, abacus, etc. But we can also store information genetically using proteins. Genetic information storage can be extremely complex and self correcting. While physically transcribed data does not self correct. Is it possible to create a biological data storage and computer using fungus? Think about it. Through genetic engineering we could use fungus as a self correcting and ever growing biological data dump that is resistant to certain electromagnetic interference/damage. Fungus uses water, biomatter waste, and light or heat to reproduce and grow. This would require an extremely large fungal body or a widespread colony to sustain our ever-growing need for data storage. Where could a fungus colony of this emensity flourish without causing a reasonable strain on human activities or resources?