In theory highly educated men expand their sexual market and are able to date/penetrate younger more fertile women, and highly educated women price themselves out of the market and their male counterparts are seeking young sexual partners and not selecting for education/absurd income requirements from women over 25.
In modern datascience... what is "highly educated" for men and for women?
My figures suggest in the tier one cities of the west, 30% of men hold bachelors, only 25% of these are STEM, then 25% of these hold a master level, then 20% of these hold a phd.
From all men, 1% hold a phd, and 10% of those phds are in STEM, and 30% of that 10% are in poverty tier/fake STEM.
0.003% are doctors, and 0.002% are lawyers who make more than min wage.
Who are the "highly" educated of todays modern world?
Does science actually play a part since most non computer scientist scientists live below the poverty line (biologists, physics majors etc)
Is highly educated actually only lawyer, neurosurgeon/ software engineer at google/ Harvard MBA/ Analyst at a tier one IB?
In modern datascience... what is "highly educated" for men and for women?
My figures suggest in the tier one cities of the west, 30% of men hold bachelors, only 25% of these are STEM, then 25% of these hold a master level, then 20% of these hold a phd.
From all men, 1% hold a phd, and 10% of those phds are in STEM, and 30% of that 10% are in poverty tier/fake STEM.
0.003% are doctors, and 0.002% are lawyers who make more than min wage.
Who are the "highly" educated of todays modern world?
Does science actually play a part since most non computer scientist scientists live below the poverty line (biologists, physics majors etc)
Is highly educated actually only lawyer, neurosurgeon/ software engineer at google/ Harvard MBA/ Analyst at a tier one IB?