>machine learning>AI>tensorflowBlablabla, at this point 99 percent of that bullshit is nothing but fancy regression analysis that's dumber than a box of rox. But let's "train" this imbecile and fool ourselves into thinking there's anything going on inside.
A hint from a very interesting paper:
"If neural activity is not digital computation, as we have argued, then there is no reason to suppose that formalisms that manipulate strings of digits can capture what is functionally relevant to neural processes. They might be used to build computational models of neural processes, but the explanation of neural processes will be given by the constructs of theoretical neuroscience, using “computational models” in the sense of computer programs which perform numerical integration of coupled nonlinear ordinary or partial differential equations to simulate neural activity, not the formalisms of computability theory."
https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cogs.12012The brain is not a fucking computer that abides by the Church-Turing thesis and current fucking Pajeetery like this thread will never get there. Fucking JOHNNY VON NEUMANN alluded to this in his famed posthumous "Computer and the Brain".
Maybe we can build a machine from which mind might emerge, but it won't be a computer that smells like curry - it might be some Penrose-style machine that does something analgous to his postulated microtubule shit to tap quantum phenomena, maybe a hybrid analog computer with digital control, who knows.