>>14369866>Because it is the word of GodThen it cannot contradict itself
The adulter passage contradicts the Torah, and textual criticism has confirmed it was not originally in the gospel
Christianity contradicts Torah, therefore is is a false religion (it even contradicts the New Testament
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_of_Jerusalem )
>Suppose a government makes a law that says all copyrights are void after a day.As long as it doesn't contradict the Torah (and by extension the Sages) it's fine. What is important here is being true to your contracts.
>God indeed can forgive every sin.Except there are some sins which are called to be given death penalty (see Deuteronomy) to eliminate evil from society, and we can see very well what disobeying that command of eliminating evil led the world to.
God indeed can forgive a sin IF you did a complete repentance, which is very hard to get to, you only get at that level when you love HaShem, and you only get to love God at the highest level of fear (in theory but in practice it's a mixture of both).
Moreover, the forgiviness of the sin is not forgiveness from the consequences of the sin in this world (see David who was forgiven after regretting his sin, which means he wasn't killed, but he still lost his son).
And more importantly, one of the christian doctrines, that of dispensionalism, is the reason for the cancer you see in christian societies, as they have rejected the Torah