>>14370338>You're cherry-picking.Retard, ALL of those studies were made before mine. You are clearly cherry picking, not me. It's simply unbelievable that the author of that trash propaganda did not mention studies, such as the one I linked, that show 6% concordance rates among MZ twins, which is well within the gold standard of being a non genetic trait. He even lied about saying all studies show higher MZ concordance than DZ, my study shows it's the reverse and it was made 12 years before he wrote that, so he has no excuse to be unaware of it, he's simply picking sources he wants to support his position. I am dumbfounded that it passed peer review. He is directly lying and that is an undeniable fact. Into the trash your source and all it's claims go.
>Some didn't find a correlation, like the one you're citingWrong, mine did find correlations that prove the opposite. The most significant was MZ having less concordance than DZ. Meaning fraternal twins were more likely to both be gay than identical twins, which eliminates genetics as a basis.
>You seem so mad at homosexuals, wonder whyThey are a disease and going to be responsible for antibiotic resistant strands of STDs which will kill millions (most STD treatments are for gays which are 2% of the population and it's causing mutant strands to evolve faster than we can create antibiotics). Everyone should hate them and secretly do even if they say they are tolerant. We have a biological innate adaptation to hate them, as if they are maggots that need to be burned. Why do you think this adaptation is there?
>Could care less if it's genetic or environmental You are obviously a faggot yourself and incapable of approaching this topic objectively.
>you seem to really want it not to have any genetic basis for some strange reasonI don't like activists spreading the misniformation/lie that people are "born that way".... Gays are not born that way and I guarantee you will have trouble admitting that.