Should I go for a PhD in computer security?

No.14346266 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello there /sci/, I need your help.
I am working as a security engineer in the Benelux, super chill and comfy job, relatively well payed.
However I'm 25 and I feel like that I could aspire at more if I had a PhD.
Therefore I've looked around and found a very good PhD offer in The Netherlands, and I was thinking about submitting my application.
What do you think about it?
I suppose that the PhD position will pay me less and I will have to move to a more expensive area, plus I have now quite some certifications in security, which I would not get (more) if I was there.
On the other had it is truly now or never, even because with promotions and everything it simply would be unfeasible to go back to a PhD salary.
So the question comes down if you think that now, at this time of my life a PhD at very good university in computer security could be a good investment.

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