>>14337458>The Jew is behind every single Evilhttps://www.weforum.org/great-reset/https://www.younggloballeaders.org/"the druid collective" doesn't sound too jewish for me
>Wherever there is decadence and collapse, the Jew is here.Torah tells you to guard your eyes and not stare at anyone woman that isn't your wife, and somehow you say the people who want others to guard their eyes and be holy 9as HaShem is holy) are the responsible for the filthy YOU people do on a daily basis?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhxwP9h4_kYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PyCqBZafXs>The Jew MUST be genocided, along with all its shabboth goylems.May you be cursed until you do teshuva you rasha.
You shall be cursed in the city, and you shall be cursed in the field.
Cursed will be your food.
Cursed will be the fruit of your womb, the fruit of your soil, the fruit of your livestock, those born from your cattle and the flock of your sheep.
You shall be cursed when you come, and you shall be cursed when you depart.
HaSehm Lord will send the curse of shortages, confusion, and turmoil upon you, in every one of your endeavors which you undertake, until it destroys you and until you quickly vanish, because of your evil deeds in forsaking God.
HaShem will make pestilence cleave to you, until it has exterminated you from upon the land.
HaShem will strike you with consumption, fever, illnesses with burning fevers, a disease which causes unquenchable thirst, with the sword, with blast, and with yellowing, and they will pursue you until you perish.
And your skies above you will be like copper, and the earth below you like iron.
HaShem will turn the rain of your land into powder and dust, raining down upon you from the heavens until you are destroyed.
HaShem will cause you to be broken before your enemy: you will come out against them in one direction, but you will flee from them in seven directions. And you will become a terrifying example to all the kingdoms on earth.