It is an evolution of the internet to be content aware. Right now the internet is content dumb. Its just packets whizzing back and forth over TCP/IP.
Metaverse is a layer on top of all that which starts integrating metadata more deeply.
If you sell a picture, its your picture, the artist is embedded in the metadata. Think of NFTs and then some.
This also enables cross platform integration of digital assets. etc etc.
If you want to understand the metaverse beyond the hype, the best case study is Steam and the digital economies on there (TF2 items, CSGO, DOTA etc). It's a first step approximation of what the Metaverse will be like.
Gabe Newell has been working on the Metaverse longer than practically anyone else in the industry. He's literally personal friends with Neal Stephenson who wrote Snow Crash, which is considered a kind of progenitor of the metaverse idea.
The VR stuff is kind of marketing hype. Its not really about VR. But marketing hype is important to push a new technology across. The iPhone only took off because Steve Jobs put on a literal master class in shilling.
Ignore crypto and NFT shills. Most of them don't understand the metaverse at all. They just want to sell you jpegs.
Metaverse will happen whether you want it or not.