>>14328198I would explain worst Korea based on additional factors, because they have this much steeper age pyramid than anywhere in the West that's retiring now, so the younger couples are not finding cheap enough housing* and good jobs which is a worse version of the trend in Europe where you have huge overpopulation in a country that who's infrastructure didn't keep up with demand. I hypothesize that, without immigration it, they will get a slight increase in fertility in the coming 5 years, before it dips again to current levels and stays there for 15-40 years, at which point they will be at replacement level fertility again.
Many third world nations have a similar steep pyramid and will also show a huge fertility backlash and the retards at the UN will panic again.
The fact is that the planet is full, 97% of the biomaterial of mammals is human and our livestock, it is essentially that we normalize our population or even decrease it slightly. What don't need to sacrifice power, luxury or innovation levels to do that. Literally we just need to let Blackrock take a market correction hit. There's easier money to made in high tech than in real estate anyway.
*Housing is a big thing because it is the biggest outcome of families. A recent study showed that over 95% of European women want at least 2 kids and 60% want 3 kids, the main reason given for not having kids yet was financial insecurity.