Can you Solve the Nigger Math Test?
No.14326031 ViewReplyOriginalReport
Quoted By: >>14326066 >>14326152 >>14326204 >>14326376
I was watching the new Fresh Prince of Bel-Air show and I took this screenshot of a math exam Will Smith took, and it was quite laughable how easy the questions are, even when the niggers larp as We Wuz Mathematicians they can't even come up with a decent math exam same time i bet my left nut 99.9% of the niggers in highschool wont be able to solve any of the questions.
Question 4 is very interesting, its not a typical question you get at highschool as it involves an equation system with 3 variables, part of the Linear Algebra course you get first year in college, can easily be solved using a matrix but i made an observation that you can actually solve it without doing any calculations LOL. So yea can you solve the Nigger Math Test?
Question 4 is very interesting, its not a typical question you get at highschool as it involves an equation system with 3 variables, part of the Linear Algebra course you get first year in college, can easily be solved using a matrix but i made an observation that you can actually solve it without doing any calculations LOL. So yea can you solve the Nigger Math Test?