modern day job application process

No.14325087 ViewReplyOriginalReport
>find position that suits me
>draft this nice cover letter and renew my CV
>want to apply
>need to make an account on company website
>need to fill out this impersonal contact form which asks for basic data like name, birth date, email etc.
>click next only to be brought to another contact form where now I need to fill in information on where I worked and what education I have, rendering my CV useless. Yet they still ask me to upload my CV which needs to be below 5MB. Some of which can strip info from said CV and auto fill the form, but only partially works and forces you to do this whole shit twice.
>click next and am finally allowed to upload my cover letter, CV, diplomas etc. all must be below 5MB
>Diploma is a scanned document about 4MB. Try to upload and it fails now showing me a message that the file needs to be below 3MB
>finally compress it and upload it
>click next and now must choose my gender and some typical privacy policy
>log out and wait 2 weeks
>still being processed

Wouldn't it be simpler to have this trash auto form fill as backend opposed to frontend so the applicant doesn't have to wonder if you are a useless inefficient company? Wouldn't it be simpler to just give an email address where I can send one complete file instead of needing to split it in to 4 files?
Doesn't this render every scanned document useless because it relies heavily on OCR?
Are the people/programmers who implemented this retarded? Now I can't just continuously use my cover letter because of the ATS. They'll see I am using the same text forcing me to invest more time in writing something no one will ever read. This is so insulting, then they wonder why there is no loyalty to the company anymore and why the fluctuation of employees is so high.

Fuck HR, Fuck the workforce. I rather be a vandalizing piece of shit destroying government property.