>>14325044I have my own interpretation:
1) Agnostical interpretation of superposition: We can't know if superposition is actual coexistence of different states or a dynamic equilibrium of states continuosly changing into each other before interacting with something. Heisenberg principle doesn't allow us to take a position on this.
2) agnostical interpretation of determinism: QM is obviously compatible with indeterminism, but it is also compatible with determinism, you can prove this with a mental experiment:
Imagine every object in the universe has a unique and individual matricular number/charge, and every point in the universe has an identical Deterministic informational pack DPI, which gives the result of decays/collapses to any individual particles.
If we follow this logic the probabilities of probabilistic events of QM are just the frequences of the different outcomes written in the "code" of the DPI. Even if quantum collapses/decays are different when repeated on the same particle, it could be explained with the matricular charge or the DPI remembering the former interactions.
"But this is antiscientific, you are postulating purely informational things which are not scientifically analyzable" Of course, I know, this is only a mental experiment. The only way to prove this experiment would be to reset the entire universe without interacting with it, which is of course impossible. However, it proves that, at least in theory, determinism and QM are compatible. Since this deterministic take can neither be proven true nor false, we can only have an AGNOSTICAL interpretation of QM. From a practical standpoint, we use the instruments of probabilities to make predictions and analysises, since we will never have the complete picture, if it exist.